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Quick-baked potatoes

  • 5 minutes
  • 20 minutes
  • 6
Quick-baked potatoes

Using the microwave, baked potatoes can be cooked in one-third of the time of a conventional oven and still have that crispy crust. When cut open to reveal the steaming hot, fluffy baked flesh, they make a generous base for a brunch-style topping, especially on cooler days. Pictured here with Spanish chicken livers.


  • 6 even-sized floury potatoes (such as Ilam Hardy, Red Rascan or Agria)


  1. Preheat the oven to 200ÂșC.
  2. Prick potatoes with a fork, this prevents the potato bursting.
  3. Place on the microwave table and microwave on high power for 8-10 minutes, until the potatoes are almost cooked.
  4. Carefully remove from the microwave, brush with oil or melted butter and place in the preheated oven for 8-10 minutes, until the skin is golden and crispy and the potatoes cooked.
  6. Creamy, soft-cooked scrambled eggs: For every egg allow 2-3 tablespoons cream. Allow 2 eggs per person. Gently whisk egg and cream to combine. Cook over a low heat until softly scrambled. Season well and serve garnished with chopped fresh herbs like tarragon, chervil , chives or sage.
  7. Mushroom ragout: Cook finely sliced mushrooms and bacon rashers in butter with a couple of cloves of chopped garlic until golden brown. Add in a good dash of Port and allow to reduce before finishing with a little cream. Season and serve. The more the Port reduces, the sweeter and richer the sauce.
  8. Pizza potatoes: Mix together grated pizza or Cheddar-style cheese with finely diced salami, chopped olives, a few sliced sun-dried toamtoes and a seasoning of oregano or basil. Stuff into the hot baked potatoes. Grill until the cheese melts.
  9. Salmon mash: Flake hot smoked or well-drained canned salmon and mix with diced hard boiled egg, creme fraiche and a seasoning of capers, gherkins and dill. Spoon the soft mix onto the hot potatoes. Bake only until the topping has warmed.

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