I often find it hard to discern the different cheeses on your average cheese-lovers pizza. So here, inspired by the unique qualities of cheese from around the world, I've picked some favourites to create an international cheese-lovers pizza.
- 2 large pizza bases (about 30cm round)
- ¼ cup pizza paste
- 1½-2 cups grated mozzarella cheese
Greek quarter
- 50-100 grams feta, crumbed
- 8-10 black olives
- a little chopped fresh mint and/or oregano
Italian quarter
- 4 balls bocconcini, torn
- 2-3 slices prosciutto
- a little fresh basil
Kiwi quarter
- ½ New Zealand camembert, sliced
- 4-5 button mushrooms, sliced
- beetroot chutney
- a few fresh sage leaves
British quarter
- 50-100 grams Stilton, crumbled
- chutney
- a few fresh parsley leaves
- Preheat the oven to 220ºC. Place a pizza stone into the oven if using.
- Brush the edges of the pizza bases with olive oil, this will make them golden. Spread equal amounts of pizza sauce over each base, almost to the edge and scatter half the mozzarella cheese on top of each base.
- Divide each pizza into 4 equal wedges. Use half of the ingredients above on each pizza and create 4 different international wedges. The herbs and chutney can go on or after cooking - it is up to you.
- Bake the pizzas in the preheated oven for 8-10 minutes or until golden and piping hot. Garnish as you wish and serve.
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