There is nothing more delicious than fresh fish and seafood.
- Fish is one product where freshness is imperative. Always buy fish that looks fresh. It should not have a strong fishy odour.
- Where a recipe calls for medium or firm-textured white fish fillets, find out what is fresh that day that suits the recipe. With the changing season you cannot always get the same fish type.
- Fish, as long as it is fresh, is all quality. We have grown up being used to purchasing snapper or orange roughy. When these are not available, find out what other varieties are available and try another fish.
- If you do not get to eat the fish on the night or day it is purchased, then to refresh, place the fillets into iced cold water with a good pinch of salt and leave for 5-10 minutes. Remove and pat dry with paper towel.
- Never freeze fish at home. Domestic freezers are not cold enough to freeze fish in. It will take too long and the structure of the fish will be ruined once defrosted.
- Look for fish types that you have may have been out of the price range previously.
- Consider fish a top line cut, that may cost a little more but has no wastage. We only need about 150 grams protein in the main meal and therefore it is not an expensive meal. Buy in season and supplement fancy items like scallops with half fish and half scallops. That way, you get all the flavour with half the cost.
- When cooking, place fish fillets in the pan the best side down, (ie not the skinned or skin-side), turn and cook the other side. Only turn once. The first cooked side will always look the best.
- Fish cooking times vary. Pan frying is easier to see when cooked. Gently place the fork into the thickest part of the fish fillets and twist, if the fish flakes it is cooked. Cooking times will depend on the thickness of the fish.
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